Thursday, October 14, 2010


I just have to give a little shout out to my oldest Kourtney. I've just been noticing and have had a lot of people telling me recently how grown up she seems. ( I know the height has something to do with this). People have always thought she is so much older that she is. She is such a good girl. Always trying so hard to do her best. She is somewhat of a perfectionist but I am so grateful for her and what a good daughter she is. Especially when I come into my room and there she is reading Spiderman books to her brother, or pulls out all of his monster trucks to play with him. And knowing that she's always looking out for Kennedy at school. These moments make all those looks that could turn me to stone all worth it!! :) I love you Kourt. -Mom


  1. How do I get me a Kourtney? If I send Addy to your house for a few years, can you train her please? I seem to be failing miserably!
